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Zoom Tone Home Alone (12 weeks)

Tone Home Alone (12 weeks)

This Program has been designed to help you achieve a full body transformation at home in just 12 weeks with a continuation guide for those who want to keep training after the course is finished. Created for those who have a busy schedule but can commit to training 3-5 days a week this program will allow you to train in your own time & in the comfort of your own home. The workouts will start easy & gradually get more challenging overtime. It is suitable for everyone and anyone healthy & willing to commit. If you're a beginner & find it difficult reduce the reps/ sets to accommodate your current fitness level and gradually build your way up. As long as you push your body beyond it's normal limits you will see results. (Results may vary for each individual).
As this program requires minimal equipment you will still need to invest in some equipment in order to achieve maximum results as bodyweight alone will not allow you to progress. If you are on a tight budget and cannot afford to purchase the listed equipment then use household objects.
Once purchased the program will be sent to your email in a PDF File with our Luxe Resistance Bands, Fit Kit & Water Bottle (default color) delivered to your postal adress.
- 1 x Jump Rope
- 1 x Fit Kit
- 1 x 1L Water Bottle with time stamp
- 3 x Resistance Bands (Light, Medium, Hard)
- 1 x 10K Steps Challenge Tracker Chart
- 1 x Body Measurement Tracker Chart
- 1 x Workout Planner Chart
- 1 x Dynamic Stretch Guide
- 1 x Self Care Challenge Chart
- 1 x Rest & Recovery Tips
- 1 x Nutrition Guide
- 1 x 12 Week Written Program 

Tone Home Alone (12 weeks)



Mind, Body & Soul

At IMAHC BODY we are here to help create healthy habits for those who struggle with busy schedules, work, family & all the above. We know how hectic life can be so we've created a one stop self-care hub where you can have access to workout programs, healthy lifestyle ideas and shop some of our amazing products that work hand in hand with your goals.

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