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Training FAQ's

How is Online Coaching Effective?

Clients success/results rate are high because you can do everything from your own home and at your own leisure and convenience. You control your own schedule.  Even if you are away on vacation or out of town, you can still be coached with 100% effectiveness. Not to mention the most important part of all the nutrition, sleep and stress management coaching tips & advice you will get weekly or even daily depending on the program level you progress to.

How is my program delivered to me?

Your program will be hand-designed personally for YOUR needs provided you select the "Custom Training Plan” Package . Every client has 24 hour access to their plan through WhatsApp where a week to week training schedule of your fitness plan will be given to you and you will be guided on the weekly workouts to ensure you have a full understanding of the workouts. You'll also have exclusive access to tools to help you with progress delivered to your front door.

Is this coaching system really all done Online? 

Yes all programs can be done at your own leisure and convenience. We will have a one on one Coaching call check-up every Sunday to track your progress and performance.

Is this for me?

Yes of course but only if you are ready to prioritise yourself and want a long term change without the gimmicks, quick fix or crash diet, then this is for you.  There no shortcuts in my programs but I'll give you a tool, knowledge and positive mindset that you can use long term.

What makes your Online Coaching different from other programs?

Most Coaches will try to force you to their program or ways of doing things where I instead customise my program to you based on your Fitness level by undertaking an initial fitness test & Nutrition wise there are no strict guidelines or rules.There is no diet to follow so you will never be forced to do anything you don't wish to.

I will instead work with you on your preferences that fit your goals and lifestyle and come up with a specific formula that works for you.

As a body transformation trainer and online coach, my mission is to help busy women achieve the body of their dreams without spending hours in the gym or deprive their joy of eating with restrictive food choices. My approach is customised and I will go above and beyond to understand your needs, challenges and concerns. 

I have the skills and abilities to create a bespoke training program that simplifies weight loss helping you get closer to your fitness goals. Not everything may seem easy but with me by your side, encouraging you to go the distance and give that little bit extra at each session, you will achieve the impossible. I’ve helped hundreds of women not only get fit but to also incorporate long-term changes towards better health and fitness. 

Watching my clients progress and become Fit, Leaner and Stronger remains something that I am very proud of. I am very patient, never give up on my clients and help them cultivate body confidence. No matter what fitness level you’re at whether you go running regularly or you’ve never performed a squat, you will soon be amazed by what you and your body can do.

Our goal is to get you to a fit state, increase energy and adopt long-term healthy lifestyle habits so you won't need a personal trainer to work out daily.

How soon can I expect results?

MANY things can directly affect the results you see. So honestly speaking I can't tell you exactly HOW YOUR BODY works or How will it respond to my programming till we work together for a couple of months.

But what I can tell you is if there are no underlying health issues, and you fully follow with your personalised made plan, you can expect to see the normal and within average 1 to 2 kg a week weight loss if that is your primary goal. If you are looking to put on Lean muscle, then the process will be a bit slower as every body is unique. 

Your program is custom tailored for you based on your starting point, health history, exercise history, fitness level, availability and lifestyle. Every journey is different some see the result straight away some see results later in the program If you've hit a stall, we will be able to catch it right away and ensure you are moving in the right direction. But on average, typical, healthy and normal weight loss is around 1 to 2 kg a week, and many of my current and past clients see this kind of result and a total 12kg of fat plus two+ dress size in 90 days.

I'm a beginner can I workout at home?

Most of my programs are best suited for those who have access to a gym or plan to use the gym as a main part of their programming. AND Yes if you’re planning to workout at home, you should have enough basic equipment’s such as 5kg Dumbbell & Kettle bell 6kg minimum Or Bands, BUT still being able to have the option to go a few times a week is best option for faster and more drastic result.

If there are any classes you like to take, or if you are the type who likes to include activities like running, swimming, dance classes, Youtube Video classes, a few times and a week - that is fine!

But you need to be able to still hit up strength training workouts in addition to your favourite classes for ultimate LEAN definition and faster results for your body transformation If you have questions about your form, you can always shoot a video and have me evaluate your form.

Please NOTE:My programs are not for curing or treating any medical issues.

What diet do I need to follow?

There is no specific DIET to follow. We will instead work together based on your preferences that fit your goals and lifestyle and come up with a specific formula that works for you but everyone is different which means depending on your preference.

We need to follow a diet plan for a short term goals.

Do you have a meal plan or just macros?

Your nutrition is the most important aspect of your program. Having the correct calories and macros can literally make or break your progress. And planning your meals in a way to make it easier for you, eliminating the guesswork is very important and #1 priority.

As for a meal plan no I do not write meal plans, initially if you wish I can write you a Sample meal plan as a guide ONLY which can be good to start for short term, however for long term goals we will work together and teach you how to think and learn for yourself. I would rather you pick and choose your own foods based on numerous healthy food choices so you can truly discover what works and what doesn't work for you.

Do I Need to Cut out Carbs or Sugar? 

No. You do not necessarily need cut out carbs or sugar does not guarantee anything in terms of weight loss. You will learn a balanced and moderate way to include treats every now and then.  I actually encourage you to Bake your cake and eat it too, ice cream or whatever you mostly enjoy to have it in GOOD moderation we don’t want too much or too little of anything really.

Who is this for and who are your typical clients?

This is for women & mums who want to achieve fat/weight loss, reduce a few dress size, shred off inches Arms, Thighs & Waist, increase strength, energy and overall obtain a positive relationship with themselves and food while using an easy, fun and sustainable method to reach their goals. 

I have a some injury and special needs, is it ok? 

It all depends on what we're dealing with; yes we can work around and be considered. If you are dealing with a relatively new injury, make sure you've completed all physical therapy, and have doctor's clearance BEFORE starting with me. If it's an old injury, then feel free to tell me what you can or cannot do, and I will do my very best to improve it if I can while avoiding re-injury, causing any kind of pain during workouts.

BUT I do not advice anyone under any circumstances to work through pain or push past limits in ways to hurt them. So always train mindfully, and let me know when you need any kind of plan adjustments.